Pricing and Studio Schedule

Most of our classes are offered as a session or a series. We do not have the capacity to offer make-up classes. After the first week of series or session, no refunds are given. Sign-up here

Kids class pricing: All kids and teen classes (with the exception of the performance groups) run on a seasonal schedule, mirroring the recreational sports schedules. Each session is 10-12 weeks long and includes and end of session show. The end of session showing happens on the last Saturday of every season. Pricing takes into account a weather event class cancellation and showcase cost. We will do our best to find substitutes for sick instructors. See kids and teens studio calendar here.

Multi-child and multi-class discounts applied when registering online.

Scholarships and work-study available by calling our office directly. (802) 552-8660

Adults series pricing: Buying the full 6-week series package will give you the best deal. We will only run a class if the pre-registration meets our minimum class size. Once the class is officially running, we will offer a drop-in rate. This ensures you will have a lively class and we can pay our amazing teachers for their time, talent, and energy!

Are you an adult that wants to dance more than once a week? We have an unlimited class pass! For 6 weeks, you can take all the dance you want for $500!

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Contact us.

Tentative Weekly Schedule

Kids pricing - sign up for full-session, no drop-ins registration opens one month before the session begins. See no-class days here.

Performance Group - FULL YEAR commitment. Dancers will attend an information session and trial class before signing a commitment letter indicating they are dedicated to a full year of dance and creation, culminating in an end of year show.

Adult class pricing - offering classes in 6 week series. Feel free to sign up for multiple series with your favorite teacher, or explore other classes! Our schedule and offerings are ever evolving and we look forward to hearing your feedback.