
MC DeBelina

MC believes life is a dance and everyone a dancer. She finds beauty in the mundane, awkward, and broken equal to the majestic, sacred, and whole. MC has been teaching dance for 20 years, honing her craft as a teacher and artist. She is a trained modern dancer, studying under Ford Evans and Melinda Evans at Dartmouth College and Sara Rudner, Peggy Gould, Emily Devine, and Charlie Atlas at Sarah Lawrence College.

MC holds a BA in Biology and an MFA in Dance and her work often combines these passions. MC loves learning and continues to study movement anatomy and new video editing software. She has formally studied Creative Children’s Dance with Tanner Dance in Utah, Anne Green Gilbert’s Brain Dance, and is working toward certification in Dance for Parkinson’s through Mark Morris Dance in Brooklyn.

MC teaches CoMotion Dance, Creative Dance for Kids, Contemporary / Modern Dance technique for all ages, and Movement for Parkinson’s. She hopes to see you dancing!

Ann Bosse

Ann Bosse has been a body in motion since childhood. After early years of dancing alone in the living room Ann finally began taking dance class at age 15 in Philadelphia, PA. Her first exposure to modern dance was a Graham technique class with the esteemed Pat Thomas at The University of the Arts summer program. It was love at first contraction. Ann went on to study dance in college earning her B.S. in Dance Performance and Choreography from Skidmore College. During her years at Skidmore Ann was fortunate to be able to study with and perform the works of Ellen Sinopoli, Kenneth Topping, Niles Ford, Garth Fagan Dance and the Mark Morris Dance Group. Ann went on to dance professionally with many groups including the Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company, Saba Dance Theater, TAKE Dance, RIOULT, Trainor Dance, and Mazzini Dance. The majority of her 12 years dancing in NYC were spent studying with the Paul Taylor Dance Company and former Lar Lubovitch Dance Company dancer Christine Wright. After many years, 3 moves, and 2 children, Ann currently lives in Montpelier, VT where she can be found either in her garden or dancing in the living room.

Willow Wonder

Willow has been dancing, teaching and choreographing in Vermont since 2000. She received her BFA in modern dance performance in 1998 from SUNY Purchase. Classically trained in ballet, Graham, Limon, and Cunningham techniques, she has also explored much that the Post Modern dance world has to offer. Her style is very influenced by Klein TechniqueTM, belly dance and contact improvisation. She has danced professionally in Vermont with Paul Besaw, Hannah Dennison, Polly Motley, and Pauline Jennings. She runs the Deadbeat Dance Collective and is committed to sharing the performance of Improvisation.

She resides in Central Vermont with her family and teaches Pilates Reformer classes at Essential PT and Pilates in Montpelier. She is also a certified Zero BalancingTM Practitioner.

Emma Manion

Fitness aficionado Emma Manion-Kohr is a dance educator, artist, personal trainer and native Vermonter. She holds her B.A. in Dance and Humanities from Bennington College and is a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified trainer with specializations in Corrective Exercise and Behavioral Change. 

She's had a lifelong fascination with the human body's composition, capabilities, and direct link to quality of life and has collaborated with many interdisciplinary artists & companies over the last twenty years across the country. Her choreographic work is playfully explorative while determined, and her teaching aims to bring students many “aha!” moments in their own mind-body journey.